RudderStack lets you send the experimentation data from your mobile apps to Optimizely Feature Experimentation via the device mode.


Unlike other destinations, Optimizely Feature Experimentation for the mobile integration works a little differently. You will have to implement some Optimizely functions natively to make sure the experiment logic runs correctly.

RudderStack maps the track calls with Optimizely's track calls. You need to implement all the Optimizely's decision-based methods like activate and isFeatureEnabled natively. For more details, refer to Optimizely's Easy Event Tracking blog and the Optimizely SDK reference Guide.

Adding Optimizely to your mobile project

Follow these steps to add Optimizely Feature Experimentation to your Android Project:
  1. Add the following repository to your app/build.gradle file.

    repositories {
  2. After that, add the following dependency in the same file:

    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.optimizely.ab:android-sdk:3.0.0'
  3. Initialize the Optimizely Manager:
    Optimizely recommends initializing their SDK as soon as possible. You need to initialize the Optimizely Manager before proceeding to the next step. Refer to the Optimizely Initializing the SDK guide for more information.
    val optimizelyManager = OptimizelyManager.builder()
  4. Finally, change the initialization of your RudderClient in your Application class:

    val rudderClient = RudderClient.getInstance(
    Make sure you pass the Optimizely manager instance you created in the previous step to the factory as shown in the above snippet above.
Follow these steps to add Optimizely Feature Experimentation to your iOS project:
  1. Go your Podfile and add the Rudder-Optimizely extension:

    pod 'Rudder-Optimizely'
  2. After adding the dependency followed by pod install , you can add the imports to your AppDelegate.m file as shown:

    #import "RudderOptimizelyFactory.h"
  3. Finally, change the initialization of your RudderClient as shown:

    RSConfigBuilder *builder = [[RSConfigBuilder alloc] init];
    [builder withDataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL];
    // Setup optimizely logger.
    OPTLYLoggerDefault *optlyLogger = [[OPTLYLoggerDefault alloc] initWithLogLevel:OptimizelyLogLevelAll];
    // Create an Optimizely manager
    self.optlyManager = [[OPTLYManager alloc] initWithBuilder:[OPTLYManagerBuilder builderWithBlock:^(OPTLYManagerBuilder * _Nullable builder) {
    builder.sdkKey = @<SDK KEY>;
    builder.logger = optlyLogger;
    [builder withFactory:[RudderOptimizelyFactory instanceWithOptimizely:self.optlyManager]];
    [builder withLoglevel:RSLogLevelDebug];
    [RSClient getInstance:WRITE_KEY config:[builder build]];

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